



中学社会学科建设 对世界的时间和主题的理解 美国的历史,同时也发展了社会 研究地理,经济,政治系统, 和文化. 每个社会研究单元都围绕一个 历史时代和社会研究系. 现代的混合 内容和历史教训提供了背景 为学生准备的知识和思维技能 高中教育和他们作为公民的责任, 包括有意义地评估财务决策.

在六、七年级,学习的重点是古代世界 来自亚洲、非洲、欧洲和拉丁的历史和文化 美国. 在八年级,学生们学习建国 以及我们国家的早期发展,从革命开始 通过重建. 在所有年级,学生都在努力建设 通过应用概念来理解现代世界 地理,经济,政治制度和文化 现在的场景.

世界研究历史探究6 (SOC1001) 
全球人文历史研究6 (SOC1009) 

单元6.1 .聚落模式

学生们向狩猎采集者学习, 建立农业社区到城镇和城市的兴起, each society throughout time has exhibited different levels of complexity in their political, 社会和经济制度. Each society has strived to meet the wants and needs of its citizens and their successes and failures have become the building blocks for future societies to learn from to create more complex and sustaining civilizations. 单元问题:复杂的社会是如何随着时间发展的?

单元6.2 .经济的影响

基于社会由于各种因素而变得复杂这一观点, 学生们探索是什么因素使一个文明成为一个帝国. 从那里, students explore the first dynasties of China to modern day China examining the relationship between the 经济 and political system and the impact the growth and decline of the 经济 system has on the structure and effectiveness of China's political system. 单元问题:经济增长和衰退如何影响社会?


学生们学习政治制度, 比如民主, strives to meet the common good of its citizens through shared accountability. Political systems influence how people in power make decisions that then impact the social and 经济 system of a civilization , 包括他们如何运作,谁从选择中受益. 单元问题:政府如何满足公民的共同利益?

单元6.4 .文化体系

学生 learn how culture is made up of beliefs, values, religion and traditions. Individuals and groups in societies use their cultural identity to influence structures and processes in their political, 经济社会制度. Culture is ever changing due to the interactions between groups of people from different societies. It is through these interactions facilitated many times both past and present by trade that people either accepted or resisted changes in their beliefs, 观念或传统. 单元问题:文化如何影响文明的发展?

世界研究中的历史探究7 (SOC1004)
全球人文历史探究7 (SOC1010)

单元1:  学生 use their social studies literacy skills to investigate the geography of Latin 美国  and the consequences of geographic modifications. 学生 will explore life in Latin 美国 at the height of the Aztec and Inca Empire learning how modifications to their environment were essential to their success. 另外, students will be able investigate and research life in Latin 美国 today and the impact 经济 choices have had on the environment of their respective region. 单元问题:人们为什么要改变环境?

单元2:  学生 use their social studies literacy skills to evaluate the structures and functions of an evolving political system starting at the height of the Roman Empire, 最后在欧洲形成了独立的民族国家.  By studying the changing political systems of Europe from feudalism to the emergence of nation-states, students learn how the source of power in the modern age became centralized and dependent on a growing middle class. 在本单元结束时,学生将能够回答问题 单元问题:当一个社会发生变化时,政治制度会受到怎样的影响?

第三单元: 学生 use their social studies literacy skills to investigate the culture of Medieval African societies  and modern day Africa. 学生 gain an understanding of how culture impacts a society and the decisions made by a society in regards to their political and 经济 structures. 通过调查非洲社会的文化,  students will begin to examine their own culture to better understand how the beliefs, values and traditions held by cultural groups impact modern day social and political structures. 在本单元结束时,学生将能够回答问题 单元问题:不同文化之间的互动如何影响一个社会?

单元4: 学生 use their social studies literacy skills to investigate the shift to a global market place after the Middle Ages by analyzing the benefits and costs of a world connected by trade. 学生 end the unit by shifting from how a global market changed the world in 1450-1750 to how it is changing the world today and the institutions put into place to support the global 经济 and political foundations. 单元问题:全球化是如何影响世界的?

美国的历史调查.S. 历史8 (SOC1021)
美国研究历史探究8 (SOC1020)





To what extent were 美国n colonists justified in rebelling against British authority and creating their own political system?

学生 learn about the purposes of government and how the 美国n democratic system developed to meet those purposes more effectively.  学生 study the impact of the French and Indian War and British colonial governance on the colonies and the causes and consequences of the 美国n Revolution. 





To what extent did 美国n responses to inside and outside forces contribute to the creation of a national political culture?

学生 learn how 美国n culture is grounded in shared values that have shaped the nation over time.  学生学习联邦条例, 制宪会议, 宪法, and Bill of Rights to understand how the 美国n political system reflects 美国n values.  学生们还将了解到美国是如何将其发展成国际贸易的.S. political system was strengthened and challenged by various inside and outside forces during the first five presidential administrations.





How did geographic and 经济 expansion impact the rights of diverse populations in 美国?

学生 learn how there are costs and benefits to expansion and how conflict can result when people try to protect or gain rights and resources. 学生评估地理课程的成本和收益, 经济, 从1820年到1853年,通过研究印第安人的迁移,进行政治扩张, 奴隶制的传播, 杰克逊式民主, 工业化, 移民的增加, 废奴运动和女权运动的兴起.






美国是如何有效地做到这一点的.S. resolve the political, 经济, and social issues that led to and resulted from the Civil War?

学生 learn about how cultural differences can divide a society and how people react to cultural change and apply these concepts to their study of the causes and consequences of the Civil War, 重建的有效性,  以及战后时期的连续性和变化.